Tuesday, January 18, 2011


For the last few (15) years I've been trying to lose weight.  I'll get started on a good diet and workout plan, but then... life... happens.  One small, tiny thing will throw me off balance and all the good habits I've incorporated into my daily routine are forgotten.  It's always something; going out of town, change in work schedule, change in weather, general laziness.  For whatever reason I'll miss one work out, or eat one bad meal, and it's all over.  All the hard work I'd have put in for the last couple of months is out the window and before you know it I'm back to where I started.

So I've decided to open myself up to the world wide web and make my struggle public. I'm hoping that by letting people have access to this blog, I'll be more determined to stick to my diet and workout plan; don't want the embarrassment of failing while the world watches, the world being whoever looks at this.

Each Day I'll list everything I've eaten, what workout I've done, and what my weight is.  Readers are more than welcome to comment; offer encouragement, share tips, tell me to stop being so lazy, just say hi, or whatever you feel like.  I sincerely hope that this time I'll be able to get to where I want to be. 

Starting Weight: 192.4  O.M.G.  Have I really let it get this bad?

Most unattractive picture I will ever voluntarily post of myself

Goal Weight: 140. I tend to weigh heavier than I look (natural muscle) so weighing 140 will make me look about 115 or so with a nice, femininely muscular form .

Diet Plan: NutriSystem Vegetarian Plan plus a nightly protein shake to add the healthy calories I'll need to sustain myself through my workouts.  The shake I'll be using is Shakeology that you get through P90X.  One serving has a total of 72 fruits and vegetables - I didn't even know there were that many fruits and vegetables until I read the info on this shake.

28 days worth of breakfast, lunch, dinner, and dessert all in one box.

Workout Plan: P90X - 3 days of weight training, 2 days of cardio, 1 day of yoga, and 1 day of either rest or stretching.  And I'll probably go running 2 - 3 times a week, probably on the weight training days.  I know that it sounds like a lot, but if I eat enough calories and get enough rest, this program ill actually energize me.  Now if  I don't eat enough calories (the good kind), I'll crash and burn very, very quickly.  It's a very tricky balance.

Ultimate Goal: In October or November of this year I may get the opportunity to hike trough the Himalayan Mountains in Nepal. There is no possible way that I can do it in this shape. In fact, a guide probably wouldn't even take me for fear that I wouldn't survive.  So, just in case I get to go, I have to be in the best shape of my life by October.  I don't want my not being able to go be because I'm too fat.

Think they'll let me swim in this lake once I get there?


  1. Good luck lady!! I'll be reading!

  2. It is terribly rare to see someone let loose their fears and whole-heartedly submit themselves to the opinions of others. I'm excited to see the success that you are dedicating yourself to.

  3. Nepal?!? That is awesome motivation! I'm very interested to hear how the nutrisystem food tastes...
